Friday, January 27, 2012


Hello folks, and welcome to the inaugural post for the Spic Ops Airsoft blog! I'm Grim, leader and found of SPIC Ops Airsoft Team and admin of this here airsoft blog. Here we will post reviews of gear, guns, the fields we play at and any airsoft related news we feel the need to share with the airsofting community.

But first, some history! I've been playing airsoft consistently for about two years now, but prior to that it had a few years since a friend of mine invited me out to Tac City in South El Monte for an evening of airsoft. Or for me, it was an evening of running around, rushing to cover and getting shot in the face when I would poke my head over cover like a n00b. However, that cemented my love for the sport and ever since then I have been a supporter and airsoft aficionado.

After seeing airsoft videos from awesome teams like Rainbow Airsoft, Infidel Airsoft, and videos Scoutthedoggie, Evike, and AirsoftGI I decided it was time to step up my game and graduate from swap meet quality AK 47's. Within the last couple of years I've taken the sport more seriously and have been gathering quality gear, guns and refining my play. I've also recently gotten my brother addicted to the sport, so we now play together whenever possible and have formed a loose sort of team which I've dubbed Spic Ops. You'll also be seeing/reading reviews from both of us on this blog from time to time and hopefully some play videos in the near future, once we get a helmet cam.

My brother and I are always looking for some positive, committed players to hang out with, so if you are interested in meeting up one day to sling some plastic, feel free to contact us!


  1. What's your email? I've got some awesome teams you should interview for the team spotlight.

    1. I just entered my email under the Roster section of the blog. Thanks for the heads up! I'll reach out to those teams you submit and see if they are interested.
